Earth Cosmos Press is an independent publishing company linked with The Mystery School Initiative. Earth Cosmos Press has been set up to publish, produce and promote books and other media in attunement with the aims of the Mystery School Initiative and its various Faculties.

Featured Titles:

Cosmic Lovers

Cosmic Lovers
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles
2009, Softcover
6" x 9" - 288 pages
Out of print; a revised edition called Soul Mate Lovers is coming soon!

Cosmic Lovers

A Journey to the Heart
of a Soul Mate Relationship

by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles

A true love adventure set in Ireland. Cosmic Lovers is a deeply moving, humorous, riveting and awe-inspiring account of two lovers who break free from society’s conventions and pioneer a whole new approach to relationships.

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Readers’ Comments:
“I was entranced, entertained and educated on every page … A ‘must’ read for anyone aspiring to a higher, more meaningful relationship.”   – Ann Clare McCarthy.

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Gospel of the Living Tree

Gospel of the Living Tree
by Roderic Knowles
2009, Softcover
6" x 9" - 352 pages
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Gospel of the Living Tree

For Mystics, Lovers, Poets & Warriors

by Roderic Knowles

Gospel of the Living Tree is a celebration of the sacredness of trees and their role in human consciousness and culture, narrated mostly by the trees themselves. It is also a moving call to action on their behalf, containing visionary yet thoroughly realistic proposals for the setting up of a new type of university wholly devoted to Living Trees.

more about Gospel of the Living Tree


by Roderic Knowles
Publication Date: Spring 2020


& the Primary Impulses of Evolution

by Roderic Knowles

“I want to know God’s thoughts,” Einstein declared, “The rest are details.” In pursuit of such a knowing, in Pre-Creation, the philosopher Roderic Knowles takes us behind the cosmic scene where, in the realm of the Unmanifested Mystery of Primordial Void, the motives as well as the unique challenges in creating anything become crystal clear. What emerges from these insights is a whole new understanding of the whys, hows and processes of Creation, the true origins and nature of man, and his ultimate destiny.

more about Pre-Creation

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