A Journey to the Heart
of a Soul Mate Relationship
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles

Cosmic Lovers
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles
2nd Edition
2009, Softcover
6" x 9" - 288 pages
ISBN 978-0-9561042-2-9
Out of print; a revised edition called Soul Mate Lovers is coming soon!
About Cosmic Lovers
While Cosmic Lovers is first and foremost a love story, permeating it are the following themes or core features which give much to the book’s originality, power and relevance:
The Soul Factor
In Cosmic Lovers soul is at the heart of relationship. Even in a partnership, the primary relationship is with one's own soul. Then it is a relationship between two souls who meet as equals. For a relationship to be experienced as deeply fulfilling, our innermost needs, those of soul, must be acknowledged and addressed – soul, rather than our ego-personality, being our True Identity. But what are its needs? And even before this: What is a soul? While ‘soul mate’ has become a buzz phrase, what does it mean? What does it mean to be a soul and to live and love as one? Cosmic Lovers goes to the core of these questions in the context of everyday experiences. When soul perspectives are consciously at the heart of relationships everything changes fundamentally. This lifts the relationshiop to a new level; it becomes a soul-mate relationship and spiritual partnership.
Cosmic Dimensions
Cosmic Lovers gives a simple yet profound overview of the whys and hows of Creation and Man’s place in it, with Man as Soul, as a Being of Light, arising from the One Source of All and, after billions of years, returning to It.
With this perspective it is clear that we, as souls, are first and foremost Cosmic Beings – the whole picture being that we have a dual nature, consisting of both body and soul. And dual origins: While our bodies have evolved from the Earth, our souls have involved from Spirit – our evolving physicality arisen out of the Earth and our involving spiritual nature descended from Higher Realms. But, while our bodies are purely temporary, our souls are immortal.
“Love is always about a cosmology. Lovers exist in a universe, not just in a personal relationship.”
Father Matthew Fox.
The Cosmic Context of our Earthly Lives
While our lives appear to have begun at ‘birth’ and seem doomed to end at so-called ‘death’, our souls are on an ongoing journey through Time – a journey which involves many comings and goings, many ‘lives’, on this planet and other realms within the multi-dimensional cosmic framework of existence.
An essential feature of this underlying cosmic context of our lives are the Laws, the universal Cosmic Laws of Life, which govern every aspect of the life and journeying of our souls, especially while here on Earth – such as the Law of Attraction, Energy Follows Thought, Cause and Effect, As Within So Without, to name but a few – which are the rules of what may be called the Game of Life, and give consequence to every thought, feeling, attitude, intention, gesture and action we express. Their workings in the lives of individuals and also in the context of a relationship are an integral feature of this book. Awareness of these Laws also changes the way we relate fundamentally. It marks the end of blaming circumstances and others, the end of helpless victimhood, and the dawning of the realization of the extent to which we are the attractors and creators of what we experience in our lives.
So what do love and relationships have to do with cosmology? Clearly, everything! As Father Matthew Fox puts it, “Love is always about a cosmology. Lovers exist in a universe, not just in a personal relationship.” For the meaning and fulfilment we seek, we need to see the larger picture. We are not simply earthly beings having occasional spiritual experiences but Cosmic Beings having life-times of earthly experiences. Even as lovers.
Other Significant Cosmic Dimensions
We are gradually awakening to the fact that we are living in a multi-dimensional universe. We are also gradually awakening to the fact that we ourselves are multi-dimensional. Further, we are awaking to the fact that we are not the only intelligences in the Cosmos. Intelligences are at work throughout the Cosmos, both externally and in multi-dimensional realms within it, as well as in Nature all around us. We are also awakening to our own higher intelligence, that of our Soul or Higher Self. In our awakening, we are learning to connect, open lines of communication, and even enter into co-creative working relationships with these intelligences, to our great benefit. In Cosmic Lovers, all this is featured. These co-creative working relationships are the given realities, potentialities and perspectives. For example: The story begins with Elly and Roderic meeting through what they have playfully called a Cosmic Dating Service. Unknown to each other, Elly in Holland and Roderic in Ireland each put out a request to ‘the Universe’ for their ideal soul-mate specifying their requirements. They are brought together cosmically in an encounter marked by inexplicable synchronicities.
Elly and Roderic share their experiences of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light who presented themselves. In the chapter, Cosmic Birthing, in going for their Big Dream, they set up their Cosmic Team, consisting of various Beings of Light; and begin the process of working co-creatively, bringing their dream into reality.
“As the archetype of spiritual partnership is new to the human experience, there are neither codes, conventions, nor guidelines for it.”
Gary Zukav, in The Seat of the Soul.
Relationship as a Spiritual Partnership
Cosmic Lovers explores the concept of ‘Relationship as a Spiritual Partnership’ which, while based on love, includes clear intentions of mutual support on each individual’s soul-path of awakening, healing and creative unfolding. This gives to a relationship a clear focus, rock-solid foundation and meaningful purpose.
While there have been occasional treatises on the subject, these have been by psychologists, counsellors or philosophers - in other words, academic and theoretical. While the concept has begun to enter popular imagination (discussed on the Oprah Winfrey Show, for example), Cosmic Lovers is the first book which explores the subject experientially and dramatically. Gary Zukav writes in his bestseller, The Seat of the Soul: “As the archetype of spiritual partnership is new to the human experience, there are neither codes, conventions, nor guidelines for it.” Thus, society has been without its dramatic representations to serve as inspirational models. As Meg Ryan lamented recently, “While there is much mythology about getting together, there is none about staying together.” Cosmic Lovers provides a much-needed response in the literary birthing of a new myth.
While luxuriating in an ex-king’s castle, Elly expounds on her Ten Golden Precepts for a Spiritual Partnership, a summary of insights acquired on her quest.
A Celtic Marriage ‘For a Year & a Day’
‘A Celtic Marriage for a Year and a Day, Renewable Annually’ is an alternative to the choice of either ‘a traditional marriage with a commitment for life’ or ‘an open-ended relationship with no commitment’. In rapidly changing times, the promise of a life-long commitment seems unrealistic to many. Besides, the soul being essentially free, it cannot nor should not be bound in perpetuity by any form of agreement which limits it. The moment it feels trapped, it rebels and seeks its freedom. Cosmic Lovers proposes and demonstrates a format for couples which balances the paradoxical needs of both freedom and commitment: a Celtic Marriage ‘for a year and a day’, renewable annually. It has many advantages and can be just as sacred.
“While there is much mythology about getting together, there is none about staying together.”
Meg Ryan.
Enlightened Sex
Many women are fed up with mens’ limited approach to sex, ruled by his emphasis on orgasm and his rush to achieve it. Entertainingly and informatively, Cosmic Lovers features the art of the non-ejaculatory approach, along with other practices, which lead to prolonged enjoyment, deeper communion and greater ecstasy for both.
A Woman’s Journey of Self-Empowerment
Cosmic Lovers is about a woman reclaiming her power in the profoundest sense, moving out of victimhood and assuming full responsibility as a creator in how she lives and experiences her life. It is also illustrative of a man’s supportive role in this.

Cosmic Lovers
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles
2008, Softcover
6” x 9” - 295 pages
Just Released!
Shattered Dreams of Motherhood & their Creative Transformation
Infertility resulting in childless marriages is a widespread phenomenon, causing great distress to couples. In its concluding chapter, Cosmic Birthing, Cosmic Lovers shows how the impulses to give birth, mothering and parenting, can be given joyful and fulfilling expression in other powerfully creative and life-enhancing ways.
Cosmic Birthing: Everyone Should Have a Big Dream
Ideally in a soul-mate relationship you have a shared dream, one which serves something beyond the relationship. With a power-base of love you can direct it, along with your wisdom, creativity and other resources, outwards into serving the Earth, humanity, or life in general. Elly and Roderic’s big dream is to set up a new type of university, University of Earth & Spirit, in which they are both passionately engaged, working in a Co-Creative process with Angels, Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light.
General Context
Cosmic Lovers was completed 7 years ago, long before publications such as The Secret, Cosmic Ordering and The Laws of Attraction came sweeping across the planet. It is only in the last few years that soul factors, spiritual dimensions, Cosmic Laws, once considered too far out, even unbelievable, have been entering mass consciousness at such an accelerated rate. What Cosmic Lovers does uniquely is illustrate these vitally relevant spiritual and cosmic concepts dramatically, doing so in the context of a romantic relationship in everyday life.