A Journey to the Heart
of a Soul Mate Relationship
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles

Cosmic Lovers
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles
2nd Edition
2009, Softcover
6" x 9" - 288 pages
ISBN 978-0-9561042-2-9
Out of print; a revised edition called Soul Mate Lovers is coming soon!
About the Authors
Elly & Roderic
Sounding the Note of Soul
Elly van Veen, born in Holland, has been active in the healing profession for over twenty years, working as a physiotherapist with children, treating physical and emotional disorders and a variety of learning disabilities, combining conventional and holistic approaches, including edu-kinesiology, Australian Bush Flower Essences and Reiki, for which she received training in Holland, Australia and the USA. On moving to Ireland in 1999, she set up her own practice as a Reiki Master, giving treatments, workshops and courses.
A life-changing experience at the age of thirteen became her wake-up call, which set her on a quest for the truth and meaning of life. Ever since, her journey has been an intense and exciting step-by-step process of inner healing, adventure, discovery, and soul-awakening.
Her heartfelt mission is in ‘sounding the note of soul’ in all areas of life and in connecting others with their innermost selves. In relation to this, she is actively engaged with her beloved partner, Roderic, in preparations for the setting up of a new type of university, University of Earth and Spirit, based on the Four Pillars of Earth, Spirit, Soul and Cosmos. She is also active as a co-founder of The Soup & Soul Club, being set up to serve as a local forum for kindred spirits, and simultaneously as a planetary network.
In Cosmic Lovers, her first book, jointly written with Roderic, they explore how a romantic relationship is fundamentally changed and enriched when soul dimensions are at its heart.
Roderic Knowles, born in London, brought up in the wilds of the west coast of Ireland and educated at Eton, is a philosopher, mystic, and esoteric wisdom-teacher. After “the best education that money can buy,” he felt a deep dissatisfaction, with none of life’s fundamental questions addressed. A circuitous path led him through various explorations and adventures around the world. He spent several years as an investment banker and international business consultant, travelling to over forty countries, dealing with governments at the highest levels – while based varyingly in New York, London, Geneva, Brussels, Bombay, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong. After a series of soul-awakening experiences, he withdrew from business to focus on a purely spiritual path – going in search of Masters of Wisdom, with whom he spent several years, seeking to fathom the mysteries of existence, while studying Cosmic Laws, and undergoing deep transformational processes. Returning to Europe and the everyday world he became actively engaged in “higher education,” assisting and inspiring others in their awakening and functioning as souls. One day, while attending an international conference at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, entitled One Earth: A Call to Action, he made a commitment to serve the Earth in the field of education. Realizing that he had to educate himself first and yearning to reconnect intimately with nature, he returned to his roots in Ireland and became a passionate tree-lover and woodland-dweller. In the 1990’s, he set up KOAD, a centre for nature research and education, for which he won a national award. He is now engaged in setting up a university wholly dedicated to trees, University of the Living Tree. He is also involved with his partner, Elly van Veen, and others, in preparation for the setting up of a new type of university, University of Earth and Spirit.
He is the author of several books, including: Contemporary Irish Art, an illustrated coffee-table book; How to Rob Banks Without Violence; Love: The Mystery and Foundation, an anthology of wisdoms on love; What the Hell Am I Doing on Planet Earth?; Gospel of the Living Tree – for Mystics, Lovers, Poets & Warriors; and Pre-Creation and the Primary Impulses of Evolution (Spring 2010).