A Journey to the Heart
of a Soul Mate Relationship
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles

Cosmic Lovers
by Elly van Veen & Roderic Knowles
2nd Edition
2009, Softcover
6" x 9" - 288 pages
ISBN 978-0-9561042-2-9
Out of print; a revised edition called Soul Mate Lovers is coming soon!
Welcome to our free online course:
How to Find
Your Soul Mate
A Brief Overview of Essential Aspects
by Elly & Roderic
Authors of Cosmic Lovers
- Clarifying Your Big Dream
- Examining Your Big Dream
- Your Big Dream & Your Relationship with Your Self
- Your Big Dream & Your Relationship with Your Parents
- Taking Full Responsibility
- Your Big Dream & Previous Lovers
- Who is My Ideal Soul Mate?
- Drawing Your Soul Mate into Your Life
- Creating Space for Your Soul Mate
- Celebrating the realization of Your Big Dream
How to get the maximum out of this course
Many of us dream of a Soul Mate walking into our lives. We dream, we fantasize, but what do we really expect of them? Do we have a particular kind of person in mind? Do we expect them to make us happy? To fulfil all our needs? To waltz us into Paradise? Maybe without asking too much in return? What kind of person are we seeking precisely? Do we know? Why do some people get what they long for while others do not?
In this course we will lead you on a self-reflecting journey which will enable you to come to clarity in answering these questions. All that is required of you is that you are willing to have an honest look at yourself and clear whatever obstacles are preventing you from drawing into your life the ideal Soul Mate and from living the dream relationship.
it is very important:
- That you follow the Sessions sequentially without skipping anything.
- That you do not move on to the next Session without thoroughly completing the previous one.
- That you allow at least 3 days for each session.
- That you are willing to look at yourself honestly, without any judgement, and to embrace lovingly all aspects of yourself, however challenging that might be.
- That you are willing to take full responsibility for all aspects of your life and how you choose to experience it.
- That, ideally, before commencing a Session, you create a quiet and sacred space where you will be comfortable and uninterrupted.
- That, before each Exercise, you go into the Stillness (within yourself) and connect with your Innermost Self. (An excellent way to do this is to close your eyes, focus on your breath, while breathing deeply into your belly. Do so for a few minutes or until you feel calm and connected).
- That you keep a journal, detailing your experiences, insights and reflections.
Enjoy the Process!